To our beloved parents:
Ana Luisa & Luis
Written fragments of the letter from our father to her only true love; our Mom
On this beach I started the journey of my life, in these waters I started the journey of my love, it was a sunny crossing, was a moonlit journey, it was a journey with everything, so I sailed Ana Luisa, in the infinity of your love.
The whispers of love are all that can be heard across the sands of time for bounded souls to be united once again.

As in the case of Luis and Ana, along their journey of life they found themselves on the sands of Kantenah Bay one night.
Their beautiful sailing boat the “Sinfinita (Endless love)” unknowingly brought them home, home to the sandy bay.
Romantically sleeping under the stars, listening to the soft winds caressing the palm trees,
Ana heard the words softly spoken “one day I will give you this bay” said Luis.
As if with a blink of an eye they find Kantenah Bay the backdrop to their own honeymoon.
And true to his word Kantenah Bay was to become his wedding gift to her.
In everlasting memory they both Built the Chapel “of their journey” to house all religions of love, and for that their legacy of love will go on through the hearts of many who can be brought together in their chapel.
When the sands of time asked them to fly once again, their ashes were scattered in the 3 hearts of their life. The Kantenah Rainforest, the crystal-clear waters of the bay and finally the chapel of love.

“The journey of my life began on this beach. The journey of my love started in these waters, it was a journey filled with sunshine, it was a journey filled with moonlight, it was a journey filled with everything as I sailed through the infinity of your love”.
And there to this day the Sinfinita stands watching over the bay. Our energy welcomes all to Kantenah Bay.